
    • design: Aurelia Markwalder

    Islington is a typeface by Aurelia Markwalder. The family offers 3 weights (with respective italics) which differ in width: Regular runs normally, Light condensed, and Black extended. Inspired by the English Ladybird books of the 1950s, this idiosyncratic and elegant antiqua is particularly suitable for headlines and covers.


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    Gesine Palmer

    Der Gedanke ist mir nicht unangenehm.

    Über Chris Kraus’ I Love Dick

    • design: Luise Bartels

    „For the question of whether one is desirable depends, apart from a few outward appearances (which may well include the appearance of a rather average education), above all on the fact that one tends to deny one’s own desires: already those for one’s own expression and voice and recognition, how much more sexual desires“.


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    Georgia Palmer

    Our Aim is to Be Priceless

    • design: Luise Bartels

    „It is time that we – a broad, differentiated ‘we’ full of inner contradictions – resist the myth of liberation through work: after all, we have worked enough.“


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    Gesine Palmer

    Ruchlos auf der Höhe. Lou Andreas-Salomé und der Narzissmusdiskurs

    • design: Luise Bartels

    „But at some point, the extremely sober and superior analytical work of this author should be discovered behind the ever-growing high hedges of rumors and legends, in which all sorts of famous heads shine like rose petals and whisper „she was a femme fatale“. So far, the reason for its neglect compared to the biography is basically frighteningly undercomplex: she was a woman.“


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    Eva Schulz-Jander

    Else Lasker-Schüler. Besiegte Siegerin

    • design: Luise Bartels

    „Like Cassandra, she raised her voice and was not heard. In the handwritten notes of her Zurich diary in the archives of the Hebrew University I could read the following entry:
    At the borders in the forests are numerous,
    starved, dead, Jewish children lying in the snow and rain,
    like branches fallen from a tree.“


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    Almut Sh. Bruckstein / House of Taswir

    Die talmudische Braut. Eine Skizze zu ihrem (sexuellen) Begehren

    • design: Luise Bartels

    Für die Rabbinen ist dies ein lebenslanges Exerzitium der Sprache und des Sprechens, ein Spiel, das nicht nur die Seele der Talmudisten, sondern gleichzeitig auch das gesamte Universum am Leben erhält, ein Spiel von unschätzbarer schöpferischer Wirkung, das zugleich zu nichts nutze ist, jeglicher Nutzen zerstört sein freies Schweben.1 Dem hebräischen Wort sha’ashua entspricht das französische Wort jouissance, eine Übertragung geprägt von jenen, die sich noch an „den Talmud“ erinnern.

      1    Die rabbinische Forderung nach der Gleichwertigkeit jedes einzelnen Zeichens der Schrift, ihre Beachtung noch so nebensächlich erscheinender metonymischer Ketten, ihr gleich­­-
      schwebender Sinn für elliptische Wiederholungen, Abschweifungen, und Verwandlungen noch so kleiner Details, für a-semische (unsinnige) Pausen, Lücken und Risse im Text, für Auslassungen und Unregelmäßigkeiten aller Art, etc., haben zu einer Auseinandersetzung der rabbinischen Gelehrten mit den frühen Kirchen­vätern geführt, die ihrerseits besonders „wichtige“ Passagen innerhalb des biblischen Textes in ihrer theologischen Bedeutung klar und deutlich hervorheben wollten.

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    Almut Sh. Bruckstein / House of Taswir

    The Talmudic Bride and Her Shadow’s Dream: A Letter to the Psychoanalyst of my Beloved

    Translated in Collaboration with
    Frederick AJ Simon

    • design: Luise Bartels

    The Talmudic Bride turns into an intransigent, jealous and threatening ‘outsider’ to the psychoanalytic setting, a psychotic hallucinatory female voice from a barbaric past, disavowed, undead, knocking, even screaming, at the scene from without.

      The laws of yichud are transformed in the public house of study into a libidinous speech act among scholars. The dizzying a-topia of their tangential speech, the libidinous dynamics of their spontaneous interventions, their precise literary associations and intimate proximity with a text that radically withdraws in its opaque fullness and depth, evokes a verbal ejaculate within the extimacy of the Lehrhaus. Unlike the bride-lover, who rhythmically structures, postpones, withdraws and returns the touches of her beloved, the (textual) bride of the scholars in the Lehrhaus is a permanently absent ‘third’, a deep void of evocative emptiness that turns every single written letter into an in-situ saying-to-the-other, one that withdraws in ­elliptical loops as it is spoken: my chavrutha plays with my words when they are still on my lips, and turns them into a kiss.

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